In order to create a layout, you have to set the box-sizing property to border-box for all HTML elements.

Accepts values of the properties of the shorthand Sets alignment inside a cell along the block axisĪ shorthand for align-self and justify-selfĪuto sets the default alignment. Sets alignment inside a cell along the inline axis Name and values of the properties in the shorthand Sets the size of grid items and their location within the grid rowĪ shorthand for grid-row-start, grid-column-start, grid-row-end, and grid-column-end. Sets the size of grid items and their location within the grid columnĪ shorthand grid-row-start and grid-row-end. Accepts values of each property of the shorthandĪ shorthand grid-column-start and grid-column-end. None sets all properties to their default values. Sets the size of row track or pattern of tracksĪ shorthand for grid-template-rows, grid-template-columns, grid-template-areas, grid-auto-rows, grid-auto-columns, and grid-auto-flow Length indicators, percentages, flex, max-content, min-content, minmax, first-content(argument), auto Sets the size of column track or pattern of tracks Sets alignment of the grid within the container (along the block axis)Ī shorthand for setting align-content and justify-content Start, end, center, stretch, space-around, space-between, space-evenly Sets alignment of the grid within the container (along the inline axis) Sets alignment along the block (column) axisĪ shorthand for align-items and justify-items Sets alignment along the inline (row) axis None sets all properties to their default valueĪ shorthand for grid-column-gap and grid-column gap Sets grid-template-rows, grid-template-columns, and grid-template-areas in one declaration (shorthand) None indicates that no grid areas are declared Sets a grid template by referencing different grid area names Sets the names of the lines and track sizing functions of rowsĪ percentage value, or fraction (fr) of the available grid space Sets the names of the lines and track sizing functions of columnsĪ percentage value or fraction (fr) of the available grid space Grid and inline-grid to generate a block-level or inline grid Sets an element as a grid container and creates a new grid formatting context However, to manipulate the layout more, you should use the CSS grid module.
Note: the faster option is to use Bootstrap since the necessary code is provided to you. Grid lets you create as many rows and columns as you like. Bootstrap offers a layout of 12 columns.Flexibility increases once you add media queries.

Grid is layout-oriented, and flexbox is content-oriented.Grid is great for creating big-scale layouts, while the flexbox is better for small-scale ones.However, flexbox is one-dimensional and works either with columns or rows. This idea means that the grid works with rows and columns. Grid layouts are two-dimensional systems.There are several major differences between CSS grid view system and flexbox: Try it Live Learn on Udacity CSS grid vs flexbox